The Middle of the Month of Sha’ban

(The Birthday of Imam Mahdi (a.j.)

In the afternoon of the middle of the month of Sha’ban, Ibrahim entered headquarters. There had been no news from him since midnight. Now that he came in, he had brought an Iraqi captive with himself! I asked, “Mr. Ibram where were you? Who is this captive?!” He said, “I moved towards the enemy at midnight. I hid along the side of the road. I paid attention to the movement of the Iraqi cars. When the road was quiet, I saw an Iraqi jeep which was coming towards me with just one person in it. I went into the middle of the road quickly. I captured the Iraqi officer and came back. In the middle of the way I told myself, ‘This is my gift for Imam Mahdi (a.j.).’ But then I regretted my words. I said, ‘I am not good enough to give Imam Mahdi (a.j.) a gift.’” That same day we gathered with our friends. There was talk about different topics until someone asked Ibrahim, “In your opinion who are the best Commanders in the front, and why?!” Ibrahim thought a little and said, “In the Army Forces, there is no one like Mohammad Borujerdi. Mohammad did something which no one had even thought of. With the existence of all those problems, he was able to set up the “Pishmarg Muslim Kurd Group” and calmed down Kurdistan in this way. Among the Commanders, there is no one like Major Ali either. He is even more unassuming than the volunteer forces. Mr. Sayyad is a young Hezbollah and Believer before he is a military man. However much you search in the Air Forces, you can’t find anyone better than Captain Shirudi. Shirudi, with his own helicopter, stopped a few Iraqi counterattacks in Sarpol Dhahab. Although he is the Commander of the Air Base, he lives so simply that you would be surprised! When they brought a few pairs of sport shoes from the Physical Education Organization, I gave one to Shirudi. Although he was a Commander, he didn’t have suitable shoes.” The same day the conversation turned to talking about our wishes. Everyone said something. Most of the friends’ wishes were to become a martyr. Some people like the Martyr Abulfazl Kazemi said jokingly, “God separates the good and pure servants. So, we sin constantly so that the angels won’t come to us! I want to be alive for a long time.” The friends laughed. Then it was Ibrahim’s turn. Everyone was waiting for Ibrahim’s wish. Ibrahim paused a little bit and said, “My wish is to become a martyr, but not now! I like to become a martyr in battle with Israel!” It was early morning. I went back from our trenches towards Gilan Gharb. I entered army headquarters. Unusually, no one was there. I searched a little, but it was useless. I was very afraid that God forbid the Iraqis had captured the city! In the yard I shouted, “Isn’t anyone here?!” The door of one of the rooms opened. One of the soldiers pointed for me to come there! I entered the room. Everyone was sitting quietly facing Qiblah (the direction for praying)! Ibrahim was sitting in the adjoining room and reading eulogies with a plaintive voice. He was weeping for himself. He was speaking softly with Imam Mahdi (a.j.). There was such an extraordinary anguish in his voice that everyone was crying.


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