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Imam khamenie :

I recently read a book on Martyr Ibrahim Hadi,

although I have completed my study,

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Martyr Ibrahim Hadi

All revenues are in obscurity



Ibrahim was born on the first day of Ordibehesht in the year 1336 AHS in the Shahid Ayatollah Saiedi neighborhood close to the Khorasan Square. He was the fourth child of the family. However, his father Mashhadi Mohammad Husayn loved him in a special way. He too was aware of the dignity of his father. Although his job was running a grocery store, his father was able to raise his children in the best way. Ibrahim was a teenager when he became an orphan. After that, he continued living like the great men do. He went to Taleqani Elementary School and to Abu Rayhan and Karim Khan Zand High Schools. He received his high school diploma in the field of Literature in the year 1355 AHS. He started reading other books in addition to his lessons starting from the last years of his high school. Participating in the group of Vahdat Islami for the youth along with accompanying and being the student of a master like Allameh Mohammad Taqi Ja’fari greatly influenced the development of Ibrahim’s personality. He showed great courage during the period of the victory of the revolution. He worked in the Tehran bazaar while he was studying. After the revolution, he worked in the Physical Education Organization and after that he was moved to the Ministry of Education. At that time, Ibrahim stated teaching the children of this country as a devoted teacher. He was a sportsman. He started with the sport of the heroes, the “Pahlevani and Zoorkhaneh Rituals.” He was unparalleled in volleyball and wrestling. He never retreated from any arena. He always stood firmly. He showed his manliness from the high altitudes of the Bazi Deraz and Gilan Gharb Mountains to the burning plains of the south (during the 8-year Holy Defense). His achievements in these regions are still in the minds of the old friends of the war. In the first war maneuver named “Valfajr Moqaddamati,” the soldiers resisted for five days in the Fakkeh Channels accompanied by the soldiers of the Kumayl and Hanzaleh battalions, and they didn’t succumb. Finally, on the 22nd of Bahman in the year 1361 AHS, after sending the remaining soldiers back, he went to God alone. No one saw him anymore. He had always asked God to be anonymous, because anonymity is the attribute of the beloved friends of God. God accepted his prayers. It has been many years that Ibrahim has stayed anonymous and alone in Fakkeh so that he may be a sun for the seekers of light.


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A true martyr and an amazing and easy biography of this great man!

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